Ready for 2024? Here Are The Impact Investing Trends You Can't Ignore

In this week's newsletter, we're uncovering the top impact-investing trends to watch in 2024!

R.I.S.E. & Shine!

It's another great day to learn about investing for impact!

Happy Friday ladies,

Before you joined the R.I.S.E. family, how familiar were you with the world of impact investing?

Despite its feel-good name, impact investing is about more than saving the world. It’s the realization that green can mean both cash and sustainability. And you know what? Those who’ve started the journey are pleased with their returns and impact.

We see the potential, resilience, and unique perspective you bring to the table. Yet, so many women are still underrepresented in the investment community. Why? Is it the lack of information, outdated societal norms, or something deeper?

At R.I.S.E., we're dedicated to reshaping these narratives and driving change through education and encouragement.

Curious about what 2024 holds for impact investing? Stick with us for the next couple of weeks as we dive into the sectors that we expect to make headlines in the next year!


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Who Is Investing For Impact?

Well, it seems our millennial crowd and the ladies are leading the charge. This demographic is more conscious of their investment decisions, and are entering the market more than ever before.

Fidelity Charity found that 40% of Millennial investors say they have engaged in impact investing, compared to only 20% of Baby Boomers.

💡Reminder: Impact investments are investments aimed at providing a positive social or environmental benefit alongside your returns.


When you sign up to become a member of R.I.S.E. The Movement, you gain access to dozens of educational tools including courses, blogs, live and virtual events, insights from expert investors, and a community of women investors just like you ready to support and encourage you along your investment journey!

Impact Investments To Watch in 2024

Climate Change

Investing in climate-related issues consistently tops as one of the most popular methods of impact investing. Here a few examples of what investing in climate change might look like:

  • Circular Economy Startups: Companies that focus on designing products, systems, and business models to reduce waste and continually reuse resources in a closed-loop cycle.

  • Green Energy Startups: Companies dedicated to producing or facilitating renewable, clean energy sources such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric power.

  • Waste-to-Energy Technologies: Solutions that convert waste materials into usable forms of energy, often through combustion, gasification, or biological processes, reducing landfill and harnessing energy simultaneously.

Check out our community page blog to see even more ideas!

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

More and more private investors are looking to further the cause of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) since race equity became a major focus of the recent social justice movement.

Reshaping DEI in the investing world begins with rethinking who is influencing investment strategy – to put it into perspective, “Black entrepreneurs typically receive less than 2% of all VC dollars each year while companies led by Black women receive less than 1%, according to data from Crunchbase.”

One way to support DEI as an impact investor is to invest in firms that are prioritizing diversity, such as Ariel Investments, the first Black-owned mutual fund in the US, or Vista Equity Partners, the largest Black-owned private equity firm in the world.


Clara Miller

Clara Miller is the President Emerita of the F.B. Heron Foundation, an organization committed to aiding communities and individuals rise from poverty.

Under Clara's visionary leadership, the foundation transformed its entire endowment into mission-related investments, positioning it as a forerunner in the impact investing space.

Renowned for her innovative approach to finance and philanthropy, Clara's influence stretches beyond Heron, as she consistently advocates for sustainable investment practices that drive societal change.


This Week At a Glance

  • Klaviyo's 2023 research indicates that, despite inflation, younger generations are expected to outspend older generations on discretionary and luxury items this shopping season.

  • Biotech stocks are experiencing a drop as demand for Covid-19 vaccines and treatments is slowing post-pandemic.

  • According to the Treasury Department, the 2023 federal budget deficit ballooned to $1.7 trillion, marking a 23% increase and the US's largest annual fiscal gap outside the Covid era.

  • Japanese PM Fumio Kishida launched the G7-endorsed Impact Investment Initiative for Global Health, backed by entities like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, aiming to channel more private capital into universal health coverage.

Money Meets Machine

Are you ready for the AI future? Because it's here. A new trend in finance, driven by AI, is revolutionizing how we manage money, and machines are now equipped with decades of financial data to aid future predictions. Kris Hammond, director at Northwestern University, believes the financial world is overdue for AI, especially in translating complex data for everyday people.

Morningstar, a Chicago-based firm, developed "Mo", an AI chatbot designed to answer general financial questions. However, ensuring the data feeding AI is both accurate and ethically sound is crucial, and is still under the works.

While some experts believe AI can help human decision-making in finance, we should still be critical of information and retain control, especially in high-stakes matters like finance and investing.

Next Week’s Sneak Peek:

Next week we’re showcasing even more impact investing trends that we expect make headlines in 2024!


Regardless of whether you are scared to take the first step or you are ready to dive right in, there's an Investment strategy perfectly suited for you.
At R.I.S.E we are committed to guiding and supporting women investors at every stage of their investment journey because we believe the key to success lies in education and informed decision-making
R.I.S.E. the Movement is an educational platform designed to provide informative resources and foster discussions related to personal finance and investing. We are not registered financial advisors, and the content presented on our platform should not be construed as investment advice. Any information shared or discussed on this platform is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional financial advice. It is important to conduct thorough research and consult with a qualified financial advisor or professional before making any investment decisions. R.I.S.E. the Movement does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information provided, and shall not be held responsible for any actions taken based on the content presented. By engaging with R.I.S.E. the Movement, you acknowledge and agree to release the platform, its creators, and contributors from any liability arising from your use of the information provided.