New Impact Insight - 8 June 2024

Who Better To Invest in Women's Health Initiatives than Other Women?

Together We RISE: Rewarding Investments through Smart Education

Hello RISE Impact Enthusiasts,

From a young age, I was introduced to the world of investing through the conventional lens of public equities—stocks and bonds were the extent of my financial education. It was much later that I discovered the broader spectrum of investment opportunities, including private equity, venture capital, real estate investing, and angel investing. These realms, once seemingly reserved for the echelons of seasoned experts, felt distant and inaccessible. This exclusivity fueled my resolve to demystify these areas not only for myself but for others who might find themselves similarly outside these influential circles.

What if we could approach investing differently? What if impact investing could bridge the gap, offering a pathway to engage with all asset classes in a way that fosters tangible, positive change?

As a reminder, RISE maintains a comprehensive database of private vetted, exclusive, impactful investments that includes everything from startups to established funds and real estate, spanning all areas of impact. These opportunities vary; some have specific participation qualifications, while others are more accessible. We do this because we all have different levels of savings, communities, and can participate in impact at different levels. Either way, as always, let's share this valuable knowledge of values aligned investing with our loved ones, including our children (it's never too early to start!), friends, and broader community. With that said, let's explore this week’s impactful opportunity.


Family Impact Investment Discussions

Investing in Women's Health: A Call to Action

The Fundamental Rule of Investing: Invest in what you know and understand. As private investors, our success hinges on our deep familiarity with the markets and sectors where we choose to engage. This principle underscores the critical need for more women in investment spaces, particularly in areas often overlooked such as women's health.

Why More Women Are Needed: Women's unique health challenges are frequently neglected in medical research and healthcare investments. By having more women as investors, we can change the focus and bring much-needed attention and resources to these issues.

Understanding the Landscape:

  • Breast Cancer: 1 in 8 women in the U.S. will develop breast cancer during their lifetime (National Cancer Institute).

  • Cervical Cancer: This is the fourth most common cancer among women globally, with especially high mortality in low-income countries (World Health Organization).

  • Maternal Health: A leading cause of death and disability for reproductive-age women in developing countries (World Health Organization).

  • Menopause-Related Conditions: Associated with increased risks of osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases.

  • Everyday Products: Many products on the market, including bras and period solutions, fail to meet women’s specific needs, leading to discomfort and other health issues.

Our Monthly RISE Programming Includes:

  • Impact Investing: Focusing on initiatives that not only provide financial returns but also create significant social impacts in women's health.

  • Direct Investment in Women-led Health Startups: Supporting innovations directly addressing women's health challenges.

  • Venture Capital Focused on Women’s Health: Channeling resources into ventures that are poised to transform women’s health landscapes.

The Urgency: These statistics are alarming; they are not just numbers but represent vast areas ripe for innovation and investment that can profoundly impact women's lives.

Let's commit to empowering change by investing in solutions that enhance women's health. Join us at RISE to be a part of this crucial movement.

Ready to make a real impact with community? Email us [email protected]

New Weekly Impact Insight - June 8 2024

🌟 Biotech Company Revolutionizing RNA Solutions for Plant Health and Crop Protection

📍 Overview: This biotech company has developed a unique cell-free RNA production platform that enables efficient and cost-effective manufacturing of RNA-based products at scale. Their mission emphasizes making a positive global impact by addressing critical issues in food security, public health, and environmental sustainability.

🚀 Mission: The company's mission is to revolutionize the way RNA-based products are manufactured. Their core focus is on leveraging their proprietary technology platform to create sustainable and scalable solutions for global challenges in agriculture, human health, and beyond.

♻️ Impact Goals: Three key aspects of the company’s focus:

  • RNA Innovation: Advancing RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) technologies to develop novel RNA-based products. RNA plays a critical role in regulating genes and cellular processes, and this company harnesses this natural molecule for various applications.

  • Sustainable Agriculture: Offering environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional chemical pesticides and fertilizers, aiming to enhance crop yield and reduce the ecological footprint of agriculture.

  • Human Health: Exploring RNA-based therapeutics and vaccines for applications ranging from infectious diseases to genetic disorders.

📈 Recognitions:

  • Ranked #71 on Forward Fooding’s FoodTech 500 list, recognizing commitment to three UN SDGs: zero hunger, responsible consumption and production, and sustainable life on land.

  • Ranked 24th of 40 Top Places to Work in Massachusetts by The Boston Globe in 2021.

👩‍💼 Female Leadership: As of 2022, 50% of the executive team members and senior vice presidents were female. 45% of full-time employees were females and 45% were from non-Caucasian racial or ethnic groups.

💡 My Thoughts: Exceptional management team with deep expertise and a proven track record of success. Their technological progress enables access to the broader global insecticides and fungicides market worth $39B, and the global herbicides market valued at $35.72B. Featured in Bloomberg for using Covid RNA technology to target parasites partly blamed for the honeybee crisis. The technology used to develop Covid-19 vaccines may also help combat a honeybee-killing pest.

🏷️ Tags: #Tech4All #ImpactVenture #Womenleadership #EqualOpportunity #InnovationforImpact #DigitalInclusion #CommunityDevelopment #CommunityInfrastructure #Environment #ResourceEfficiency

Questions to Consider:

  1. Will the new products be affordable to farmers?

  2. What is the current valuation of the company?

  3. After a rigorous evaluation spanning more than four years, the company has been granted registration by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for Calantha to control the Colorado potato beetle. Calantha is now available to growers in the U.S. for use on potatoes in crop year 2024. Will it make a breakthrough in the company's growth?

It's not my rule—it's just how the finance industry works I cannot share private investment opportunities to the masses that are on this email list. Some private investment opportunities are reserved, please log in. I'm a firm believer that knowledge and community power financial growth for everyone. Irregardless of where we are in our investment journey, we all need this knowledge and discuss with our families.

Look around at the real estate and businesses out there—there are ones that prioritize making the world better for you and your generation, and some that don't. We want to support those that prioritize these principles. We look for solid plans with great people leading.

P.S. Whenever you’re ready here are a few ways for us to work together:

  1. RISE The Movement Impact Circle:

    Join the RISE The Movement Impact Circle, a network where we collaborate, learn, and dive into vetted, exclusive, private, impact investment opportunities. We share two opportunities from businesses, funds, and real estate - all impact presented by women to women. Next monthly meeting - August 13th. Ready to be a part of this circle of change-makers? Join Us. 

  2. Impact Investing Education Program:

    Not ready to invest? Begin the world of impact investing with our 12-week Impact Investing program, designed for women who want to make a difference.

  3. Partner with RISE the movement:

    Do you share a commitment to making a positive impact? Our RISE community is a vibrant mix of entrepreneurs, investors, and finance professionals. While our individual values may differ, our shared belief in investing for a better tomorrow unites us. We invite you to collaborate with us and showcase how your organization can empower us to excel in impact investing. 

    Together, we're not just investors; we're changemakers.

    Until next week, keep making an impact!



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At R.I.S.E (Rewarding Investments Smart Education) we are committed to educating and providing community for women investors at every stage of their impact investment journey. We believe the key to success lies in education, informed decision-making, and using investments to make an impact.
Disclaimer:R.I.S.E. the Movement is an educational platform designed to provide informative resources and foster discussions related to personal finance and investing. We are not registered financial advisors, and the content presented on our platform should not be construed as investment advice. Any information shared or discussed on this platform is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional financial advice. It is important to conduct thorough research and consult with a qualified financial advisor or professional before making any investment decisions. R.I.S.E. the Movement does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information provided, and shall not be held responsible for any actions taken based on the content presented. By engaging with R.I.S.E. the Movement, you acknowledge and agree to release the platform, its creators, and contributors from any liability arising from your use of the information provided.