New Impact Insight - 4 May 2024

Sustainable Agriculture. Janine Firpo

Together We RISE: Rewarding Investments through Smart Education

Hello RISE Impact Enthusiasts,

Thank you for supporting and sharing our newsletter! Grateful for your feedback on the impact real estate fund we shared last week.

Before I share this week's impactful investment opportunity, I want to spotlight veteran Impact Investor Janine Firpo, our upcoming guest for the next Impact Circle meeting on May 14th. Janine has a beautiful way of simplifying financial concepts, making them inviting and welcoming. This approach aligns perfectly with our mission to use money as a force for good. I’m happy to share a taste of her insights, with an excerpt from her book, ‘Activate Your Money.’

“Whether you realize it or not, you’re already an investor. Your money is having an impact somewhere, somehow. This is true even if all you have is a savings account. Every entity in which you save or invest your money is using your assets for some purpose.

The question is whether this supports the things you value—or undermines them. When you take greater responsibility for understanding your investments, you can use the power of your capital to make a difference in the world. As you learn, you’ll gain more confidence and may decide to move even more money into alignment with your values. Women think differently about money. You already have a lot of financial power.“

As a reminder, RISE maintains a comprehensive database of private vetted, exclusive, impactful investments that includes everything from startups to established funds and real estate, spanning all areas of impact. These opportunities vary; some have specific participation qualifications, while others are more accessible. We do this because we all have different levels of savings, communities, and can participate in impact at different levels. Either way, as always, let's share this valuable knowledge of values aligned investing with our loved ones, including our children (it's never too early to start!), friends, and broader community. With that said, let's explore this week’s impactful opportunity.


Family Impact Investment Discussions

Sustainable Agriculture

Here is the truth from the front lines of farming: Agriculture isn't just about planting seeds; it's about whether our planet can keep up with our demands. Currently, agriculture contributes to roughly 25% of global greenhouse emissions and utilizes about 70% of our freshwater supply. Yeah, it’s that intense.

Sustainable agriculture is the pivot point that could decide the future of food security and environmental health.

Curious how you can be part of this change? Let’s talk private impact investing. Here’s the breakdown:

  • Direct Farm Investments: Grassroots. Invest directly in the farms that are doing things right.

  • Agri-Tech Ventures: Tech meets dirt. Fund the innovators who are redesigning farming for the future.

  • Impact Funds: Broaden your impact with a targeted fund focusing on sustainable practices.

  • Green Bonds: Finance the bigger picture—projects that bolster sustainable farming infrastructure.

Why should you care? Because this is where future-forward thinking meets ground-level action.

Thats why I am excited for the next Impact Circle as Amanda Zakharov will speak on her experiences on sustainable agriculture.

Amanda Zakharov .

I would love for you to join us and hear this dialogue and then share our next generation.

Ready to make a real impact with your investment? Come to our next Impact Circle meeting. Email us [email protected]

New Weekly Impact Insight - May 4 2024

🌟 Solar Energy Fund Investment Firm on a Mission🌟 

📍 Overview: This fund partners with skilled local solar installers, community organizations, and local businesses for high-performance solar portfolios of community-based solar projects that deliver results.

🚀 Mission: This organization finances and manages solar projects that benefit diverse communities through clean power, carbon reduction, cost savings, and job creation.

♻️ Impact Goals: Three Ways to Invest

Fund 1 - 7-Year Term This Fund catalyzes the growth of impactful, community-based solar projects from development to operation. The Fund emphasizes investment in women and BIPOC-owned or led solar companies and projects that uplift low-income communities.

Solar Impact Fund - 3-Year Term This Fund presents a unique opportunity to generate fixed-income returns bringing clean power, cost savings, and local jobs to communities where solar has historically been inaccessible and overlooked by traditional investors.

Solar Tax Equity 5.5-Year Term Tax equity investors participate in the direct ownership of a diverse pool of small-scale solar projects that deliver clean power, cost savings and quality local jobs for diverse communities, including low-income communities and communities of color.

Connect for the returns history.

💰 Returns for Investors and Communities

Financed more than 500+ projects from Coast to Coast delivering attractive fixed-income returns to investors with no defaults, while bringing clean energy, new jobs and energy savings to diverse communities across the country.

  • Created over 1,700 lifetime job years for local solar developers and installers

  • Generated $115M in lifetime savings for power purchasers, or $0.53 for every dollar invested

  • Provided $161M in revenue for local solar developers and installers

  • 1,240,000+ metric tons of lifetime carbon reduced

    Female Leadership: 👩‍💼 50% of employees are women in 2023

💡 My Thoughts: Deploying capital in the furtherance of reducing the use of fossil fuels and expanding renewable energy in underserved communities is one of the most impactful things we can do. There are few organizations that combine the environmental impact with a focus on extending economic gains to communities and community organizations around the country.

Basic Questions Investors Might Consider asking:

  1. Does investing in this entity employ the benefits of the IRA?

  2. 48% more solar — an additional 160 gigawatts of solar — will be deployed over the next 10 years. How is this entity going to utilize this growth?

  3. Does this entity use the Solar Investment Tax Credit or IRA’s Low-Income Bonus Credit Program?

  4. Does this entity also take care of the further maintenance work?

 Tags in the RISE database: 🏷️ Tags: #SolarEnergy #RenewableEnergy #CleanEnergy #InnovationforImpact #SustainableEnergy #AlternativeEnergy #CommunityDevelopment #CommunityInfrastructure #Environment #ResourceEfficiency

It's not my rule—it's just how the finance industry works I cannot share private investment opportunities to the masses that are on this email list. Some private investment opportunities are reserved, please log in. I'm a firm believer that knowledge and community power financial growth for everyone. Irregardless of where we are in our investment journey, we all need this knowledge and discuss with our families.

Look around at the real estate and businesses out there—there are ones that prioritize making the world better for you and your generation, and some that don't. We want to support those that prioritize these principles. We look for solid plans with great people leading.

P.S. Whenever you’re ready here are a few ways for us to work together:

  1. RISE The Movement Impact Circle:

    Join the RISE The Movement Impact Circle, an exclusive network where we collaborate, learn, and dive into vetted, exclusive, private, impact investment opportunities. We share two opportunities from businesses, funds, and real estate - all impact. Next meeting is May 14th. Janine Firpo author of Activate Your Money will share her investment experience. Amanda will share her sustainable agriculture impact investing experience and trends. Finally, an investment opportunity from a women owned company with a proprietary process utilizing 80% food waste into luxury leather goods. 100% sourced and made in Italy. Ready to be a part of this circle of change-makers? Apply now for membership. 

  2. Impact Investing Education Program:

    Not ready to invest? Begin the world of impact investing with our 12-week Impact Investing program, designed for women who want to make a difference.

  3. Partner with RISE the movement:

    Do you share a commitment to making a positive impact? Our RISE community is a vibrant mix of entrepreneurs, investors, and finance professionals. While our individual values may differ, our shared belief in investing for a better tomorrow unites us. We invite you to collaborate with us and showcase how your organization can empower us to excel in impact investing. 

    Together, we're not just investors; we're changemakers.

    Until next week, keep making an impact!



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At R.I.S.E (Rewarding Investments Smart Education) we are committed to educating and providing community for women investors at every stage of their impact investment journey. We believe the key to success lies in education, informed decision-making, and using investments to make an impact.
Disclaimer:R.I.S.E. the Movement is an educational platform designed to provide informative resources and foster discussions related to personal finance and investing. We are not registered financial advisors, and the content presented on our platform should not be construed as investment advice. Any information shared or discussed on this platform is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional financial advice. It is important to conduct thorough research and consult with a qualified financial advisor or professional before making any investment decisions. R.I.S.E. the Movement does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information provided, and shall not be held responsible for any actions taken based on the content presented. By engaging with R.I.S.E. the Movement, you acknowledge and agree to release the platform, its creators, and contributors from any liability arising from your use of the information provided.