New Impact Insight - 30 March 2024

Does your Bank Invest in Your Values?

Together We RISE: Rewarding Investments through Smart Education

Hello RISE Impact Enthusiasts,

I'm over the moon about the wave of enthusiasm and support we received following last week’s newsletter on the groundbreaking women -founded plant-based luxury leather alternative with letters of intent from Dolce & Gabbana. It’s clear we’re all on the same investment page when it comes to championing environmental sustainability, social equity, and fostering fair economic growth.

If you would like to learn all the diverse ways to invest in alignment with your values, across all asset classes - I invite you to join our free 3-day Impact Workshop: "Grow Your Wealth, Impact the World".

As a reminder, we maintain a comprehensive database of private vetted, exclusive, impactful investments that includes everything from startups to established funds and real estate, spanning all areas of impact. These opportunities vary; some have specific participation qualifications, while others are more accessible. We do this because we all have different levels of savings, communities, and can participate in impact at different levels. Either way, as always, let's share this valuable knowledge of values aligned investing with our loved ones, including our children (it's never too early to start!), friends, and broader community. With that said, let's explore this week’s impactful opportunity.

New Weekly Impact Insight - Mar 30 2024

👏 A standing ovation to these founders for creating a tool that removes barriers to digital reading, making information accessible and inclusive for everyone like individuals with vision challenges, dyslexia, and ADHD.


🌟 Enhancing Digital Reading for Everyone

🔍 Quick Overview:

A groundbreaking tool uses a color gradient to guide your eyes through text, making on-screen reading faster, easier, and more accessible for all.

🚀 Mission for Accessibility:

Tailored to improve digital content usability for individuals with vision challenges, dyslexia, and ADHD, ensuring equitable access to information.

♻️ Global Impact:

Implemented in 120 countries and supporting 60 languages, demonstrating global effectiveness.

Adopted by renowned educational platforms and public libraries, showcasing its broad acceptance and impact.

💡 Innovative Core:

The unique approach of using color gradients not only reduces eye strain but also enhances focus and reading efficiency, vital in both educational settings and the workplace.

👩‍💼 Diversity and Empowerment:

Boasting a diverse team, including significant female representation, emphasizing the importance of inclusivity and varied perspectives in technological development.

💬 Why It’s Essential:

In an era where digital content dominates, this tool stands out as a crucial aid for ensuring that reading online is accessible and efficient for everyone, regardless of their challenges.🏷️ Tags in the RISE Database:

#Education #EdTech #InnovationforImpact #CommunityDevelopment #DigitalInclusion #Education4All #Tech4All

Questions to consider if this an investment for you:

Which organizations will be partnered with next? To reveal potential for wider reach.

What are the main financial challenges and plans for sustainability? To ensure long-term impact.

In which sectors could this technology next make a significant impact? To assess expansion potential.

Will the technology be licensed, and how does this impact accessibility? To understand distribution strategy.

It's not my rule—it's just how the industry works. Some private investment opportunities are reserved, please log in. I'm a firm believer that knowledge and community power financial growth for everyone. Irregardless of where we are in our investment journey, we all need this knowledge.


🌟 Is Your Bank Investing in Your Values or Against Them?

🤔 Opening Thought: Consider your bank not just as a vault for your money, but as a crucial partner in championing (or challenging) your values. Is your money working for the causes you care about, or is it supporting what you stand against?

🌈 Surprising Insight: As soon as you deposit money, it begins a journey. Your bank could be using it to support your most cherished causes or, unfortunately, the very issues you oppose. Think about the change you would love to see in the world and think about what you are against supporting. Capital helps to grow - good or bad.

💡 Why It Matters: Your bank's choices could significantly impact causes close to your heart—environmental protection, social justice, corporate accountability. Or, it could support initiatives you do not want to support. It's essential to ensure your bank aligns with your values, not contradicts them.

🚀 Action Steps:

Investigate: Dig into your bank's investments and ethical commitments through their reports and direct queries.

Inquire: Ask your bank directly about how they use your money. Demand transparency.

💥 The Bigger Picture: Imagine the collective power if we all chose banks aligned with our values.

📣 Closing Call: Let's initiate deeper conversations about how our financial choices shape the future.

Look around at the real estate and businesses out there—there are ones that prioritize making the world better for you and your generation, and some that don't. We want to support those that prioritize these principles. We look for solid plans with great people leading.

P.S. Whenever you’re ready here are a few ways for us to work together:

  1. RISE The Movement Impact Circle:

    Join the RISE The Movement Impact Circle, an exclusive network where we collaborate, learn, and dive into vetted, exclusive, private, impact investment opportunities.

    Plus, our virtual monthly meetings offer an opportunity to come together, discuss, and discover impact opportunities designed to make a difference. Next cohort begins in April. Ready to be a part of this circle of change-makers? Apply now for membership. 

  2. Impact Investing Education Program:

    Dive into the world of impact investing with our 12-week Impact Investing program, designed for women who want to make a difference. This cohort will not only educate you on essential investment strategies but also connect you with a network of like-minded women. Our weekly live sessions are tailored to empower you in navigating both public and private markets, helping you grow your wealth across various asset classes while contributing positively to the future. It's more than investing; it's about shaping a better world for the next generation.

  3. Partner with RISE the movement:

    Do you share a commitment to making a positive impact? Our RISE community is a vibrant mix of entrepreneurs, investors, and finance professionals. While our individual values may differ, our shared belief in investing for a better tomorrow unites us. We invite you to collaborate with us and showcase how your organization can empower us to excel in impact investing. 

    Together, we're not just investors; we're changemakers.

    Until next week, keep making an impact!



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At R.I.S.E (Rewarding Investments Smart Education) we are committed to educating and providing community for women investors at every stage of their investment journey. We believe the key to success lies in education, informed decision-making, and using investments to make an impact. We support Values - Aligned Financial Planners.
R.I.S.E. the Movement is an educational platform designed to provide informative resources and foster discussions related to personal finance and investing. We are not registered financial advisors, and the content presented on our platform should not be construed as investment advice. Any information shared or discussed on this platform is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional financial advice. It is important to conduct thorough research and consult with a qualified financial advisor or professional before making any investment decisions. R.I.S.E. the Movement does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information provided, and shall not be held responsible for any actions taken based on the content presented. By engaging with R.I.S.E. the Movement, you acknowledge and agree to release the platform, its creators, and contributors from any liability arising from your use of the information provided.