Making An Impact Through Passive Income

In this week's newsletter, we're covering how you can be empowered through earning an impactful passive income!

R.I.S.E. & Shine!

It's another great day to learn about investing for impact!

Happy Friday ladies,

Passive income has certainly become a buzzword in the post-pandemic economy. Yet, at its core, this income strategy offers a chance to expand your net worth and make a meaningful impact in the world.

For many women, passive income is synonymous with freedom. It's the freedom to control your finances, the liberty to invest as you see fit, and the autonomy to chase projects and investments that you are passionate about.

This week, I want to inspire you to chase financial independence. Discover how passive income can liberate your time, allowing your money to work not just for YOU, but also for the causes closest to your heart.

If you haven't joined yet, be sure to become a part of our thriving community of women, just like you, eager to learn about investing and grow their net worth in a purposeful way.

- Tanaha, Chief Empowerment Officer at R.I.S.E. The Movement


Are you in the Phoenix area?

Join us this weekend at R.I.S.E. The Movement's first in-person event:
Women And Wealth: Building Legacy Across Generations

Discover how we, as women, can build a legacy that will last for generations! Seats are going fast, so rally the women in your circle, and let's make history together in Phoenix!

Three Reasons To Consider An Impactful Passive Income

  1. Whether you want to take a career break, start a family, pursue further education, or even launch a business, passive income provides the financial backing that allows women to make choices freely.

  2. We know that statistically, women live longer than men, which makes retirement planning even more crucial for us. Passive income, and the investments that follow, can serve as an additional pension, creating security for your later years.

  3. Women bring a unique set of skills and perspectives to the table, including patience, empathy, and a long-term vision. These attributes are especially helpful in passive investment strategies like impact investing.


When you sign up to become a member of R.I.S.E. The Movement, you gain access to dozens of educational tools including courses, blogs, live and virtual events, insights from expert investors, and a community of women investors just like you ready to support and encourage you along your investment journey!

The Empowerment & Impact of Financial Independence

Women have a long history of being pushed to the sidelines when it comes to managing finances. From the harmful stereotypes of women being driven by their emotions, to being actively discouraged from participating in money matters, the journey to financial empowerment and independence has been a long haul, and one we still continue to climb. 

Today, women’s involvement in money matters looks very different than it did 50 years ago, the first time a woman was allowed to open a credit card in her name. But even with this progress, many women are still forced to confront deep-rooted social expectations and their own personal constraints around money. While women have broken numerous glass ceilings in the corporate and entrepreneurial world, we still hesitate when it comes to taking charge of their personal finances, investments, and building wealth.

This is where the true power of passive income comes into play.

Passive income isn’t just about earning more money; it's a method of empowerment that can be used to make an equally powerful impact. By going outside of traditional ways of earning money, you can regain control of your money and make your mark on the world of impact investing.

5 Ways You Can Earn an Impactful Passive Income

The internet is full of get-rich-quick schemes and endless articles of how to make a few bucks on the side of your day job, but in this newsletter we want to focus on intentional and impactful methods of earning a passive income that will let your money and time work for you!

Passive income refers to income generated with little or no day-to-day effort on your part. Unlike active income, where you trade time for cash, passive income allows you to make money even when you're not actively working on it.

Here are some ways you can earn a passive income while making a positive impact:

  1. Green Bonds: By investing in green bonds, you're lending money to an organization (typically a corporation or government) for eco-friendly projects. In return, you receive interest on your investment.

  1. Sustainable Real Estate: Focus on investing in properties that are built using sustainable construction methods or are designed to be energy-efficient. Renting out these properties can provide a steady stream of passive income.

  1. Eco-friendly Crowdfunding: Platforms like Kickstarter or Indiegogo sometimes feature green initiatives or other social ventures. By backing these projects, you can either get a financial return or a product/service that has market value.

  1. Green Energy Projects: Already a landowner? Invest in or lease your land for sustainable energy projects such as wind farms or solar panels. You can earn a rental income or a share of profits from energy sales.

  1. Digital Products with Impact: Create and sell digital products, like e-courses, eBooks, or apps, focused on a sustainable or social impact topic you are passionate about. 


Nancy Pfund is the founder and managing partner of DBL Partners, a pioneering firm in impact investing. With a vision that venture capital can drive both financial returns and societal benefits, she has backed notable companies like Tesla and SolarCity. 

Nancy’s commitment extends beyond investments, as she actively champions policy change to support social ventures. Throughout her career, Nancy has blended finance with philanthropy, proving that profitability and positive societal impact can coexist. Recognized as a leader in her field, she's reshaped the landscape of responsible investing.


This Week At a Glance

  • This was another turbulent week for the stock market as we wait to see if the war between Israel and Hamas impacts dramatic changes in global currency and oil prices. 

  • 53% of Gen Z say that the high cost of living in 2023 is a barrier to their financial success, according to Bank America

  • Keep an eye out for the earning reports that came out this week for Netflix, Tesla, Goldman Sachs, American Express and AT&T. 

  • With the widest price gap we have seen since 2015, renting in the US is officially a cheaper option than buying. 

Carrying Cash? Doing So Could Save You $$

We are quickly moving into a cashless world, but you might want to hold on to your $20’s a little while longer. Research from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta found that more and more businesses are offering discounts for paying cash as a way to avoid increasing fees on credit-card transactions. 

The amount of cash-purchases that come with a discount have grown 66% from 2015 to 2022. With more than 80% of all purchases being made by tapping or swiping, pulling out cash may seem a bit inconvenient, but the potential discount could outweigh the credit card point incentive.

Next Week’s Sneak Peek:

In next week’s newsletter we are uncovering the impact-investing trends to keep an eye out for in 2024!


Regardless of whether you are scared to take the first step or you are ready to dive right in, there's an Investment strategy perfectly suited for you.
At R.I.S.E we are committed to guiding and supporting women investors at every stage of their investment journey because we believe the key to success lies in education and informed decision-making
R.I.S.E. the Movement is an educational platform designed to provide informative resources and foster discussions related to personal finance and investing. We are not registered financial advisors, and the content presented on our platform should not be construed as investment advice. Any information shared or discussed on this platform is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional financial advice. It is important to conduct thorough research and consult with a qualified financial advisor or professional before making any investment decisions. R.I.S.E. the Movement does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information provided, and shall not be held responsible for any actions taken based on the content presented. By engaging with R.I.S.E. the Movement, you acknowledge and agree to release the platform, its creators, and contributors from any liability arising from your use of the information provided.